For more information, please call or email us :
561-395-1444 or


Upon successful completion of our Home Health Aide Program, individuals will be qualified to work in an agency to assist patients with daily procedures and tasks related to their well-being

  • 75 Clock Hours
  • 1-4 Weeks

Entrance Requirements

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • High School Diploma/GED
  • $75 Non-Refundable Application Fee
  • Passed the Entrance Exam per TPI Policy
  • Signed Enrollment Agreement

Program Breakdown

HHA001 Health Care Industry 5 Clock Hours
HHA002 Principles of Infection Control 5 Clock Hours
HHA003 Communication and Confidentiality 5 Clock Hours
HHA004 Legal and Ethical Behavior 5 Clock Hours
HHA005 Safety and Well Being of Patient 5 Clock Hours
HHA006 Principles of Nutrition 5 Clock Hours
HHA007 Procedures and Tasks/Practice 10 Clock Hours
HHA008 Assisting Patient with Self Medication 4 Clock Hours
HHA009 Alzheimer Disease 4 Clock Hours
HHA010 Domestic Violence 4 Clock Hours
HHA011 Emergency Preparedness/Practice/CPR 4 Clock Hours
HHA012 OSHA/HIV & AIDS 4 Clock Hours
HHA013 Externship 15 Clock Hours

Received Upon Program Completion:

  • Home Health Aide Certificate
  • CPR Card
  • 5 CEUs (Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse, Medical Error Prevention & Safety, Assistance with Self-Administration of Medication, & OSHA HIV/AIDS-Bloodborne Pathogens Training/Infection Control)
Class Hours: 100% Online!
Business team with monitor having discussion