

The Nevada Promise Scholarship aims to make a college education more accessible and affordable. The scholarship enables Nevada residents, under the age of 20, to pursue a tuition-free degree at CSN beginning in Fall 2018. Established by the Nevada Legislature in 2017, the Nevada Promise Scholarship provides last-dollar financial aid to Nevada students attending any of the state’s four community colleges: College of Southern Nevada, Great Basin College, Truckee Meadows Community College, or Western Nevada College. To be considered for an award, interested students must, by established deadlines, complete the Nevada Promise Scholarship application, apply for admission to their college of choice, file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), work with mentors, and perform 20 hours of community service.


In 1999, the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship initiative was enacted into law by the Nevada Legislature, creating the Millennium Scholarship trust fund to be administered by the State Treasurer. The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Board of Regents adopted policy guidelines for the administration of the scholarship.

You must meet ALL of the following conditions:

  • You must graduate with a diploma from a Nevada high school in the year 2000 or later.
  • You must complete the high school with a weighted or unweighted GPA of at least 3.25. The GPA is calculated using all high school credit-granting courses and is not rounded.
  • You must pass all areas of the Nevada High School Proficiency Examination (HSPE).
  • You must be a Nevada resident for at least two years of high school.

An applicant for a Millennium Scholarship is required to execute an affidavit declaring his eligibility for the scholarship. The affidavit must include a declaration that the applicant is a citizen of the United States or has lawful immigration status, or that the applicant has applied to legalize his immigration status or will apply to legalize his immigration status as soon as he is eligible to do so. Please note that a student who graduates from a Nevada high school in the Spring of 2009 and thereafter must complete the following curriculum in high school to be eligible for the Millennium Scholarship:

  • English – 4 Units
  • Math (including Algebra II) – 4 Units
  • Natural Science – 3 Units
  • Social Science and History- 3 Units
  • TOTAL 14 Unit
Note that the courses required to qualify for the Millennium Scholarship exceed those necessary for university admission. Students seeking admission to UNR or UNLV must complete at least three years of Math, while students should take four years of Math to qualify for the Millennium Scholarship.


The dollar value of the Millennium Scholarship is determined on a per-credit basis. Millennium Scholars at an NSHE community college will receive $40 per enrolled lower-division credit hour and $60 per enrolled upper-division credit hour. Millennium Scholars at an NSHE state college will receive $60 per enrolled credit hour. Millennium Scholars at NSHE universities will receive $80 per enrolled credit hour. Millennium Scholarship funding is limited to a maximum of 12 credits per semester, counting all coursework at all institutions. For example, a student attending a university who is enrolled in 12 semester credit hours would be eligible to receive a maximum of $960.00 ($80 X 12 credits). A student attending a community college who is enrolled in 9 semester credit hours would be eligible to receive $360 ($40 X 9 credits), up to a total of 12 credits per term maximum. In no case may the total of all financial aid and scholarships exceed the cost of attendance at the institution you attend. The Millennium Scholarship Program will NOT pay for remedial courses. NSHE defines this as any math or English course with a course number less than 100. Funds may be used for any costs related to college/university attendance; the maximum lifetime total award is $10,000, which must be used at the undergraduate level and only during the six years immediately following high school graduation.

Scholarship Details:

  1. This scholarship is available to students entering elementary through high school.
  2. It covers tuition fees only. Families are responsible for registration, curriculum fees, and any incidental expenses.
  3. Scholarships will be reviewed based on assessment results, considering criteria such as Christian leadership, academics, athletics, and performing arts.
  4. Renewal of the scholarship is contingent upon maintaining an excellent academic record, demonstrating good moral standing, and actively participating in community service and extracurricular activities.
  5. Scholarships range from 10% to 30% based on qualification.


To maintain eligibility, a student must:

Make satisfactory academic progress, as defined by the institution, toward a recognized associated degree, baccalaureate degree, or pre-baccalaureate certificate. Maintain a 2.60 GPA for each semester of their first year of enrollment (defined by NSHE as less than 30 credit hours earned), and a 2.75 GPA for each subsequent semester after the first year of enrollment. GPA is calculated on a “per term” rather than a cumulative basis. At each institution enrolled, you must satisfactorily complete the minimum number of credits (6 at an NSHE community college or 12 at another eligible institution) in each fall and spring semester in which you are enrolled. If you become ineligible for the scholarship, you may regain eligibility if the following conditions are met:

You enroll without Millennium Scholarship support in a subsequent semester and earn at least a 2.60 GPA for that semester as noted above in “Maintaining Eligibility” (2). Complete the minimum number of credits in “Maintaining Eligibility” (3). You must be enrolled in a degree program (1). All Millennium Scholars will be able to regain their scholarship only once time after losing eligibility. If a student loses eligibility a second time, the student will no longer be eligible for Millennium Scholarship funds. For additional information, please visit the Nevada State Treasurer’s website at


Although some think “college” means a four-year university, the term has a broader meaning. Many students choose to begin at a two-year community or junior college or a trade or technical school. See your counselor for details about which option best suits your abilities, needs, and interests.