Author Archives: Louise Savoie

How Does Geriatric Care Works for Seniors?

Our health deteriorates as we age, both physically and mentally. Senior care is more than helping with basic daily tasks because of the unique process of aging and its impact on health. Geriatric care, for example, is often needed for elderly loved ones who are in their 70s or 80s. “Teamwork makes the treatment work, … Continue reading

Posted in Geriatric Care

The Convenience Mobile Imaging and Testing Brings

Gone are the days when people struggle to find medical facilities that offer laboratory testing and imaging services. These are now available in almost all cities. What is more surprising is that we can now have these done in the comfort of our homes. Mobile imaging is a thing now, and many people can benefit … Continue reading

How to Care for a Child After Immunization

Immunization is one of the vital medical processes that children have to go through. Proper immunization allows the child to be immune to infectious diseases. You can go to the hospital for the shot. You may also schedule an appointment at home with visiting physicians in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Common Side Effects after Immunization After … Continue reading

Posted in Immunization

Caring for Your Loved Ones After Hospital Discharge

After getting out of the hospital, your loved ones will need special care and attention. A healthcare provider in Michigan will need to provide the necessary services to your loved ones. This way, patients can recover faster. You and other members of the family also need to do something. Here are the things you should … Continue reading

Ways You Can Care for Your Elderly Loved One

Taking care of an elderly loved one can prove to be a challenging job, especially if you lack time or experience. If you are looking for someone to assist you or a loved one in the comfort of your abode, Infinity Visiting Physician will give you the helping hand you need. You can fully trust … Continue reading

Posted in Senior Care

Having Your Senior Physical Exam: 5 Benefits

Quality health care can still be provided even when the patient is at home. This is a principle we hold and believe at Infinity Visiting Physicians. We recognize that there are patients, such as bedbound individuals or seniors with mobility issues, who may find it extra troubling to visit their doctor in their clinics. They … Continue reading